SERMA Energy signs a partnership with KST Motorenversuch

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SERMA Energy and KST Motorenversuch announced that they have signed a cooperation agreement in the fields of battery and hydrogen drive train testing and expertise.

SERMA Energy offers expertise, test and homologation services on batteries (cell, module, pack) thanks to 5 testing platforms. SERMA Energy is the last company created by the SERMA Group in 2019. Based in Pessac – France for 30 years, SERMA Group, has been carrying out expertise and tests on power converters and batteries for more than 12 years. SERMA is also involved in products design, simulation and battery technology expertise.

KST operates a hydrogen testfield for Fuelcells and Hydrogen Engines in Bad Dürkheim Germany with a growing capacity of actual 12 testbeds.

Both companies are now offering to their worldwide customer base complementary engineering and testing services for two major growth markets in future mobility solutions: battery and hydrogen drive train testing and expertise.We are proud to cooperate with KST which is a well recognized testing company in Europe. This cooperation offers to the market a unique access to large expertise and testing capabilities on powertrain applications for future mobility“ explain Peter Herssens, CEO of SERMA Energy.Prof. Dr. G. Reiff, CEO of KST entrusts: „This Cooperation is an important milestone to offer our customers a complete portfolio of drivetrain testing in all electric and hydrogen drivetrain applications. SERMA Energy and KST share the same highly customer oriented market approach and I am sure customer from around the world will profit from our cooperation.“




Peter HERSSENS presents SERMA Energy in the “Trajectoire” program on BFM Business.

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